Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where do I even begin???

I have been away from the blogging scene for quite some time now. I feel like I just don't have the time here lately to sit down and really get a good blog in. So.....quite a few things have been happening at our house. First off,  Jeff and I looking extremely hard for jobs in the Central and Northwest Arkansas area. We would really prefer to live closer to family but who is being choosy here, NOT US!! Jeff just actually interviewed for an accounting position today in Little Rock and I am trying hard to get into a public school. I am starting the NTL program June 7 so I had to put my notice into Pine Crest so that I can fulfill my requirements for a teaching license. I am still working on my Master's in Special Education and I should hopefully be finished in the next year and a half *crosses my fingers*. Since the last time I blogged, we have had Easter, graduation and other things. Hopefully I can catch everyone up!

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